
Types of deinking in the paper industry

Types of deinking in the paper industry

Types of deinking in the paper industry

Paper recycling is a multi-step process that requires other paper components including raw material and other mineral fillers to produce new paper by recovering old paper fibers. There is no special recycling system. Because this system depends on the type of paper to be recycled and the final use. Today, it is a pleasure to be able to process most paper products and use them to produce new paper.

In this process, the Deinking method (enzymatic decompositing of waste paper) plays an important role. Because paper recycling is needed. Otherwise, the production of paper industry becomes quite challenging to produce goods. That is why the recycling process is carefully measured and checked by paper recycling experts.

Although paper recycling has become a necessity, it is equally important to minimize the use of chemicals and to accurately understand the role of paper sanitizing chemicals in protecting our environment from harmful residues.


Types of deinking for paper recycling
Deinking method is used to remove the printing ink from the paper fibers of recycled papers to make deinking paper. Erase paper is processed by a combination of chemical means and mechanical measures. It generally depends on the type of paper used and the type of end product you wish to produce. based on which a wide range of subversive technologies can be used.

The three common types of deinking in the paper and board production line that are commonly used are given below:


Types of deinking in the paper industry

to float

Flotation is a process used to extract the ink by using some chemicals such as subsequent air or surface activators in the recovery pulp. Ink particles still float on top of the mixture and these particles are easily removed in the resulting foam.

You may be wondering how the ink particles float to the surface.

In the flotation plant, the flotation uses small bubbles to raise the ink components and then eat the fat.

It is a mainly used method for paper recycling among other methods because floating deinking helps to produce recycled pulp for white corrugated liners and white layers in recycled cardboard.

Even the second float ring, based on Tdeinking pulp specifications, facilitates the removal of complementary ink. Due to the wide range of waste paper collected, automatic process control is used repeatedly to better check and maintain the quality of the reduced pulp.



It is a destructive process in which not only the ink but also other unwanted components such as mineral fillers or other diluted particles on the wire plate are removed. The filter is treated to remove unwanted solids, while the fibers are prepared on the screen. Only small particle size bonds are removed by washing.

Washing is one of the cleaning methods used in the production of sanitary paper. Washing also facilitates the production of superior quality recovered paper from office newsprint. On the other hand, graphic papers cannot be produced through washing due to the large yield loss in this process.



The bleaching process facilitates the destruction of pigments in inks and with the help of using special chemicals, it also brightens the color of paper pulp. These agents are added in the pulping stage or the bleaching stage separately.

To prepare mechanical yeast, one of the most common bleaching agents, alkaline hydrogen peroxide, is used. While polishing mechanical pulp, another vital bleaching agent sodium hydrosulfite/dithionite is widely used.


final word

By using recycled paper, adverse and toxic environmental effects caused by papermaking and other industries can be significantly reduced. Most chemical wholesalers are dealing with technological advances in recycling by following environmentally friendly methods for paper recycling.

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